Plenary speaker
Klaus-Jürgen Bathe, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA, USA

Klaus-Jürgen Bathe is Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Professor Bathe is also the Founder of the company ADINA R & D, Inc. where he leads the development of the ADINA system, used world-wide, for the analysis of structures, fluids, and multi-physics problems. He has published numerous articles, six textbooks, and is a co-editor of the international journal Computers and Structures. He has been honored by the ASME, ASCE, U.S. National Academy of Engineering, M.I.T., and many honorary doctorates for his teaching, his pioneering and widely used contributions in computational mechanics, and for bridging the world between Academia and Industry. See KJ Bathe Wikipedia, KJ Bathe Google Scholar and
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